Heritage Language Variation and Change in Toronto
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[Scroll down or click here for conference presentations and for student manuscripts.]

  1. Kasstan, Jonathan R., Naomi Nagy & Christiane Dunoyer. 2024. #FPGlobal: Projet de revitalisation linguistique. L'ami du patois 189:155-6.
  2. Tse, H. 2024. AM/P OM/P Merger in Hong Kong vs. Toronto Cantonese: An Under-documented Homeland Sound Change in a Heritage Language Context. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 30.2:135-142.
  3. Cristiano, A. & N. Nagy. 2024. Toronto Heritage Italian (r): Maintaining homeland patterns. Selected Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA 13). Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies 14.1:37–48.
  4. Tse, H. 2024. Individual-level cross-linguistic comparisons in Toronto Cantonese and English high vowels. Selected Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA 13). Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies 14.1:37–48.
  5. Iannozzi, M. 2024. The imbalanced interaction of verbal ambiguity and pro-drop: The functional hypothesis in homeland and heritage varieties of Calabrian Italian and Ciociaro University of Western Ontario PhD Dissertation. Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.
  6. Nagy, N. & J. Petrosov. 2024. (Heritage) Russian case-marking: Variation and paths of change. Languages 9. special issue: Heritage Russian Bilingualism across the Lifespan, T. Ivanova-Sullivan & O. Laleko, eds. [graphical abstract]
  7. Tse, H. 2024. Functional load and vowel merger in Toronto Heritage Cantonese. In R. Rao, ed. The Phonetics and Phonology of Heritage Languages. pp. 280-301. Cambridge University Press.
  8. Nagy, N., H. Tse & J. Stanford. 2024. Have Cantonese tones merged in spontaneous speech? In R. Rao, ed. The Phonetics and Phonology of Heritage Languages. pp. 302-320. Cambridge University Press. [preprint]
  9. Nagy, N., P. Lyskawa, E. Moran & M. Urban. 2024. Phonetics of stop voicing in Heritage and Homeland Polish. In R. Rao, ed. The Phonetics and Phonology of Heritage Languages. pp. 321-342. Cambridge University Press.
  10. Li, K. K., Nguyen, L., Bryant, C., & Yoo, K. 2023. Lexical tonal effects in code-switching: A comparative study of Cantonese, Mandarin, and Vietnamese switching with English. International Journal of Bilingualism. https://doi.org/10.1177/13670069231181508
  11. Di Salvo, M. & N. Nagy. 2023. Differential object marking in Italian: Evidence from two Italian heritage communities. Italian Journal of Linguistics 35.1:91-114.
  12. Nagy, N. & C. Celata. 2022. Un corpus per lo studio della variazione sociolinguistica dell’italiano in contesto migratorio. Atti SLI del Congresso “Corpora e Studi Linguistici”, E. Cresti & M. Moneglia, eds. pp. 223-237. Milano: Officinaventuno. DOI: 10.17469/O2106SLI000015
  13. Tse, Holman. 2022. What can Cantonese heritage speakers tell us about age of acquisition, linguistic dominance, and sociophonetic variation? In R. Bayley, D. Preston & X. Li (eds). Variation in Second and Heritage Languages: Crosslinguistic Perspectives, pp. 97-126. John Benjamins. DOI: 10.1075/silv.28.05tse. [preprint]
  14. Di Salvo, M. & N. Nagy. 2022. Differential object marking in Heritage and Homeland Italian. In Variation in Second and Heritage Languages: Crosslinguistic perspectives, R. Bayley, D. Preston & X. Li, eds. pp. 311-336. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. DOI: 10.1075/silv.28.12dis. [preprint]
  15. Nagy, N. & T. Gadanidis. 2022. Looking for Covariation in Heritage Italian in Toronto. In. K. Beaman & G. Guy, eds. The Coherence of linguistic communities: Orderly heterogeneity and social meaning. Routledge.
  16. Nagy, N. & T. Gadanidis. 2021. Heritage language variation and change – How complex is it? Heritage Language Journal 18:1-27. doi:10.1163/15507076-12340012 [abstract]
  17. Umbal, P. & N. Nagy. 2021. Heritage Tagalog phonology and a variationist framework of language contact. Languages 6(4), 201; https://doi.org/10.3390/languages6040201.
  18. Baird, A., A. Cristiano & N. Nagy. 2021. Apocope in Heritage Italian. Special issue of Languages 6.3:120, Social and Psychological Factors in Bilingual Speech Production. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages6030120 [Abstract]
  19. Pabst, K., L., Konnelly, F. Wilson, S. Meslin & N. Nagy. 2020. Variation in subject doubling in Homeland and Heritage Faetar. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 42. doi.org/10.33527/twpl.v42i1.33190
  20. Nagy, N. & S. Lo. 2019. Variation and change in Heritage and Hong Kong Cantonese classifiers Asia-Pacific Language Variation 5.1:84-108. https://doi.org/10.1075/aplv.17001.nag
  21. Tse, H. 2019. Vowel Shifts in Cantonese?: Toronto vs. Hong Kong. Asia-Pacific Language Variation 5(1): 67-83. DOI: 10.1075/aplv.19001.tse
  22. Rey, L. & N. Nagy. 2019. Automatic documentation of Faetar’s [i]: a Methodology for discovering vowel space using artificial neural networks (Documentation automatique de l’[i] en faetar : Une méthodologie pour la découverte de l'espace vocalique à l'aide de réseaux neuronaux artificiels). Revue Géolinguistique 18. [see a related cool report!]
  23. Nodari, R., C. Celata & N. Nagy. 2019. Socio-indexical phonetic features in the heritage language context: VOT in the Calabrian community in Toronto. [free download til 29 Mar 2019] Journal of Phonetics 73:91-112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2018.12.005.
  24. Tse, H. 2019. Beyond the Monolingual Core and out into the Wild: A Variationist Study of Early Bilingualism and Sound Change in Toronto Heritage Cantonese. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished).
  25. Kasstan, J. & N. Nagy, eds. 2018. Francoprovençal: documenting a contact variety in Europe and North America. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 249. [see Table of Contents of the issue] and [ video of presentations of most of the papers].
  26. Kasstan, J. & N. Nagy. 2018. Francoprovençal: documenting contact varieties in Europe and North America. (Introduction). International Journal of the Sociology of Language 249:1-10.
  27. Zulato, A., J. Kasstan & N. Nagy. 2018. An overview of Francoprovençal vitality in Europe and North America. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 249:11-30.
  28. Nagy, N., M. Iannozzi & D. Heap. 2018. Faetar null subjects: A variationist study of a heritage language in contact. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 249:31-47.
  29. Nagy, N. 2017. Documenting variation in (endangered) heritage languages: how and why?. Language Documentation and Conservation SP13.
  30. Tse, H. 2017. Variation and Change in Toronto Heritage Cantonese: An analysis of two monophthongs across two generations. Asia Pacific Language Variation 2.2:124–156. [abstract]
  31. Tse. H. 2016. Contact-induced splits in Toronto Heritage Cantonese mid-vowels. Linguistica Atlantica 35.2:133-155.
  32. Łyskawa, P., R. Maddeaux, E. Melara & N. Nagy. 2016. Heritage speakers follow all the rules: Language contact and convergence in Polish devoicing. Heritage Language Journal 13.2:219-244. [abstract]
  33. Kang, Y.-J. & N. Nagy. 2016. VOT merger in Heritage Korean in Toronto. Language Variation and Change 28.2:249-272. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S095439451600003X. [abstract]
  34. Frascà, P. 2015. Lingua cum dialectis: analisi diagenerazionale del dialetto calabrese nella conversazione. Indagine introduttiva preliminare. Cultura e Comunicazione VI.6:15-20. [abstract]
  35. Iannozzi, M. 2015. Pro-drop in Faetar in Canada: A study of a heritage language in contact. Western Papers in Linguistics 1.2, Article 5. http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/wpl_clw/vol1/iss2/5.
  36. Nagy, N., N. Aghdasi, Y. Kang, A. Kochetov, D. Denis, A. Motut & J. Walker. 2014. Heritage Russian variation and change in Toronto. Международного междисциплинарного научного совещания БИЛИНГВИЗМ И БИКУЛЬТУРАЛИЗМ (Proceedings of the International interdisciplinary scientific meeting: Bilingualism & Biculturalism). Perm State National Research University.
  37. Kang, Y. & N. Nagy. 2013. VOT merger in Heritage Korean in Toronto. Proceedings of the Canadian Linguistics Association 2012.
  38. Marr, Isobel. 2011. Imposition and identity in null subject usage: Contact effects among speakers of Chinese, Italian, and Anglo background in Toronto. University of Toronto Master's Thesis. [abstract] [PDF of a shortened version of the paper is available through Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics]
  39. Nagy, N. 2011. Lexical Change and Language Contact: Faetar in Italy and Canada. Journal of Sociolinguistics 15:366-382. [abstract -- Hear it in Faetar!]
  40. Nagy, N. Lexical change and language contact: Francoprovençal in Italy and Canada. in M. Meyerhoff, C. Adachi, A. Daleszynska & A. Strycharz (eds.) The Proceedings of Summer School of Sociolinguistics 2010, Edinburgh.


  1. Celata, C., M. Frontera, N. Nagy & C. Vallicelli. 2025. Tuttho qui or thutto qhui? Patterns of variation in heritage and homeland production of a sociophonetic variable. Associazione Italian Scienze della Voce (AISV), Urbino, Italy, 8 Feb 2025.
  2. Rezvukhina, Yuliya. Vowel spaces in speech of Heritage Russian speakers in Toronto. NWAV 52, Miami, FL, 7-9 Nov. 2024.
  3. Nagy, N. Heritage Languages: Extending variationist approaches toward computational approaches. Invited speaker, Ontario Tech University, 4 September 2024.
  4. Nagy, N. 2024. #FPGlobal pe vuss. Faeto (Casa Parocchiale), Italy. 19 July 2024.
  5. Nagy, N. & Kasstan, Johnathan. 2024. #FPGlobal. L'École d'été, Centre d'Etudes francoprovençales "René Willien", Saint-Nicolas, Vallée d'Aoste. 8-12 July, 2024. [video of talk part 1, part 2]
  6. Kasstan, Johnathan. & Nagy, N. Electronically mediating global language revitalization efforts: Linking Homeland and Heritage Francoprovençal. ICLAVE 12, Vienna, Austria, 8-11 July 2024.
  7. Russo, Michela, Sorianello, Patrizia, Mazzone, Leonardo, Kasstan, Johnathan & Nagy, Naomi 2024. L’Archive numérique sonore et ethnographique de Faeto et Celle di San Vito. Le francoprovençal : des origines à aujourd’hui. Matériaux pour l’histoire du francoprovençal et pour sa transmission, Lyon, France, 13-14 June 2024.
  8. Nagy, N. 2024. Case-marking: Variation and paths of change. Keynote Speaker, Language Research Day, University of Toronto. 3 June 2024.
  9. Nagy, N. 2024. Minority Languages, Ausbau and Abstand Languages. Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Ukraine, and University of Pannonia, Hungary (remote), 10 May 2024.
  10. Nagy, N. A sociolinguistic model for electronically mediating language revitalization. Description, Documentation and Revitalization Group. 31 January 2024.
  11. Yanting Li (UC Irvine), Xiao Dong (Indiana U), Ka-Fai Yip (Yale U) & Gareth Junjie Yang (Middlebury). 2024. Linguistic and social aspects of sibilant palatalization in homeland and heritage Cantonese. The 36th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Pomona College, CA. 24 March 2024.
  12. Tse, Holman. 2024. Cross-linguistic Influence in Toronto Heritage Cantonese: It’s More Than Just Transfer. Institute of Linguistics Colloquium Series, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN. 9 Feb 2024
  13. Tse, Holman. 2024. Comparing two vowel mergers in Toronto vs. Hong Kong Cantonese in terms of functional load. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, New York, NY. 5 Feb 2024. [Abstract/Slides]
  14. Tse, Holman. 2023. Why study Cantonese vowel variation? Keynote presentation, 27th International Conference on Yue Dialects (Yue 27). The Ohio State University, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2023.
  15. Li, Yanting, Dong, Xiao, & Ka-Fai Yip. 2023. Sibilant palatalization in Hong Kong and Toronto Cantonese: A corpus study. 27th International Conference on Yue Dialects (Yue 27). The Ohio State University, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2023. [slides]
  16. Leung, Justin. 2023. Variation due to language contact in Cantonese acceptability judgements: An investigation of word order preferences in two verbal constructions. 27th International Conference on Yue Dialects (Yue 27). The Ohio State University, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2023.
  17. Petrosov, Julia & N. Nagy. (Heritage) Russian case-marking: Variation and paths of change. NWAV51, NYC, 13-15 October 2023.
  18. Leung, Justin. Setting {straight} the record {straight}: Acceptability of alternative word orders in resultatives by heritage Cantonese speakers. NWAV51, NYC, 13-15 October 2023.
  19. Umbal, Pocholo. Stability in the face of contact: Evidence from Heritage Tagalog /u/. NWAV51, NYC, 13-15 October 2023.
  20. Griffin, Laura. /o/! They’re j/u/st about the same!: Vowel Shift in Heritage and Homeland Seoul Korean. NWAV51, NYC, 13-15 October 2023.
  21. Tse, Holman. AM/P~OM/P merger in Hong Kong vs. Toronto Cantonese: An under- documented homeland sound change in a heritage language context. NWAV51, NYC, 13-15 October 2023. [presentation]
  22. Nagy, Naomi. Extending variationist approaches to more languages: Problems & Possibilities. NWAV51, NYC, 13-15 October 2023.
  23. Diep, Brian, Douglas Quan, Justin Leung & N. Nagy. 2023. Variation in Transcribing Heritage Cantonese. 23rd Workshop on Cantonese, Hong Kong Baptist University. 23 June 2023. [slides and video]
  24. Sun, Shiyang. Understanding emotions in intercultural medical settings: A quantitative analysis of adjective intensifiers in Mandarin serious illness conversation in North America. CVC, UTM, 4 June 2023.
  25. Jiang, Lee & Y. Huang. Differing systems of variation between homeland and heritage varieties of Calabrian Regional Italian final [o] and [u]. CVC, UTM, 3 June 2023.
  26. Fan, Siyi & Shiyang Sun. A variationist study of first-person-singular subject ellipsis in epistemic verb phrases of Heritage Cantonese. TULCON 16, Toronto, 4-5 Mar. 2023. [abstract]
  27. Tse, Holman. Language contact and sound change (or lack of change) in Toronto Heritage Cantonese, Invited Guest Speaker for Department of Linguistics, Macalester College, Saint Paul, MN, 1 Feb. 2023.
  28. Cristiano, Angela and Nagy, N. (r) among Toronto’s heritage Italians: Maintaining language internal homeland patterns, Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA 13), University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, November 10-12, 2022.
  29. Tse, Holman. Cross-linguistic comparisons of high vowels within individual speakers of Toronto Heritage Cantonese [slides], Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA 13), University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, November 10-12, 2022
  30. Tse, Holman. Designing a research study in applied linguistics. Invited Guest Speaker for LANG/LING 660 (Methods of Research), Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, Nov. 2, 2022.
  31. Tse, Holman. Cross-linguistic Phonetic Similarity vs. Phonemic Transfer in Toronto Heritage Cantonese High Vowels, [slides] UIC Bilingualism Forum, University of Illinois - Chicago, Chicago, IL, Oct. 28, 2022.
  32. Tse, Holman. What can Cantonese heritage speakers tell us about age of acquisition, linguistic dominance, and sociophonetic variation? Presented as part of Panel on ‘Acquiring Sociolinguistic Competence: Variationist Studies of Second and Heritage Languages’, New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV 50), San Jose, CA, Oct. 15, 2022.
  33. Umbal, Pocholo. Cross-generational drift in Toronto Heritage Tagalog Voice Onset Time, New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV 50), San Jose, CA, Oct. 15, 2022.
  34. LiVolsi, Simon, Angel Cristiano & N. Nagy. 2022. Modeling Italian variable apocope: A formal analysis of a sociolinguistic pattern. SPF 2022, Toronto, 8 August 2022.
  35. Diep, Brian, Justin Leung & N. Nagy. 2022. 邊啲人[naːn²³]啲?(n-/l-) in Cantonese in Hong Kong and Toronto. Fifth Forum on Cantonese Linguistics (FoCaL 5), The City University of Hong Kong / online, June 4.
  36. Leung, Justin, Brian Diep & N. Nagy. 2022. 邊啲人[naːn²³]啲? (n-/l-) in Cantonese in Hong Kong and Toronto. Forum on Cantonese Linguistics (FoCaL 5), The City University of Hong Kong / online, June 4.
  37. Leung, Justin, Brian Diep & N. Nagy. 2022. 'Lazy pronunciation' in Toronto Heritage Cantonese: The case of (n-/l-). Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics. (WICL-6), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH / online, May 27.
  38. Tse, Holman. 2022. Is there cross-linguistic influence of English /u/ on Toronto Cantonese high round vowels? Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-6), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH / online, May 27. [slides]
  39. Celata, Chiara & N. Nagy. 2022. Lexical frequency effects in Italian VOT: Minority vs. majority language effects ICLAVE 11, Vienna/Online. 12-14 April 2022.
  40. Nagy, N. 2022. Introducing Faetar: A Double Heritage Language. Guest lecture for Romance Dialectology, York University, Glendon Campus, Toronto, ON, 28 March 2022.
  41. Leung, Justin. 2021. Variation in path encoding in motion events in Toronto Heritage Cantonese. NWAV49, Austin, TX / Online. 19-24 October 2021. [video]
  42. Umbal, Pocholo & N. Nagy. 2021. Toronto Heritage Tagalog (r): What makes it vary? NWAV49, Austin, TX / Online. 19-24 October 2021. [video]
  43. Celata, Chiara & N. Nagy. 2021. Phonological change in Heritage Italian spoken in Toronto: social factors and lexical frequency. 54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Online/National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 3 September 2021.
  44. Di Salvo, Margherita & N. Nagy. 2021. Differential Object Marking in two Italian communities abroad: Diatopic and network variation. 54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Online/National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 3 September 2021.
  45. Leung, J. 2021.Variation in directional motion event expression in Toronto Heritage Cantonese. NACCL-33, University of Chicago / Online. 24–25 June 2021.
  46. Nagy, N. 2021. Understanding Language Variation and Change through Heritage Cantonese. Invited Plenary speaker, 33rd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-33) 第33屆北美漢語語言學會議. University of Chicago/Online, 25 June 2021. [abstract]
  47. Leung. J. 2021. Variation in directional motion event expression in Toronto Heritage Cantonese. Fourth Forum on Cantonese Linguistics (FoCaL4), Hong Kong Baptist University (virtual). 29 May 2021. [abstract]
  48. Cervantes, Eloisa. 2021. Variation of /ʎ/ in Toronto Heritage Speakers of Calabrian Italian: Support for the Effect of Language Use. TULCON 14. Toronto, 7 March 2021.
  49. Tse, H. 2021. "The pre-nasal allophonic splitting of /ɛ/ in Toronto Heritage Cantonese." Part of the Workshop on VariAsian: Contact and Change in Asian North American Speech Communities at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, San Francisco, 9 January 2021. [slides]
  50. Umbal, P. 2021. "Contact-induced change in Toronto Heritage Tagalog adjective intensifiers." Part of the Workshop on VariAsian: Contact and Change in Asian North American Speech Communities at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, San Francisco, 9 January 2021.
  51. Nagy, N. & T. Gadanidis. 2020. Heritage Language Variation and Change – How complex is it?. [abstract] . Twelfth Heritage Language Research Institute. Penn State University, 11 June, 2020. [abstract].
  52. Nagy, N., J. Stanford & H. Tse. 2020. Tone mergers in spontaneous speech and gaps in the tone inventory. 5th Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-5), The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 19 April 2020 [online]. [slides]
  53. Tse, H. 2020. The om/op ~ am/ap merger in Cantonese: Acoustic evidence of a not quite completed sound change. 5th Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-5), The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 19 April 2020 [online]. [slides]
  54. Tse, H. 2020. Functional load, token frequency, and contact-induced change in Toronto Heritage Cantonese vowels. Linguistic Society of America Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2 January 2020 [slides]
  55. Tse, H. 2019. Does standard Chinese mean anything for Cantonese vowel variation? Special Session on “What’s so standard about standards?, NWAV 48, Eugene, Oregon, 11 Oct. 2019. [slides]
  56. Nagy, N., T. Gadanidis & J. Woo. 2019. Covariation in Heritage Cantonese in Toronto. UKLVC, Queen Mary University London, 3 Sept. 2019. [slides]
  57. Nagy, N. 2019. Quelques études variationnistes d'une langue de patrimoine en deux pays. Giornata di studi sulla francofonia, Faeto, Italy, 23 July 2019.
  58. Tse, H. 2019. What can diasporic languages teach us about the development of phonological distinctions?: Examples from Somali Chizigula Stops and Toronto Cantonese Vowels. Symposium on Linguistic Research with Diaspora Communities (LRDC), UC Davis, Davis, CA. June 30.
  59. Tse, H. 2019. Linguistic dominance, use, and proficiency as factors in heritage language sound change. Poster presented at the Workshop on Sound Change (WSC 5), UC Davis, Davis, CA. June 21.
  60. Łyskawa, P. & N. Nagy. 2019. Marking Variation in Heritage Slavic Languages in Toronto. Heritage Language Research Institute, Albuquerque, NM. June 10-13.
  61. Chan, Florence & Kaylee Tang. 2019. Born in Hong Kong or Canada? Can you tell where a speaker is from? Linguistics Research Showcase, University of Toronto Mississauga (poster).
  62. Baird, Anissa and Rachel Keir. 2019. Word-Final Vowel Deletion: Italian’s Influence on Faetar? TULCON. Mar 9-10.
  63. Song, Aileen and Grace Ryu. 2019. Exploring the universality of prodrop patterns: an analysis of Korean heritage and homeland speakers. TULCON. Mar 9-10.
  64. Woo, Joyce, Timothy Gadanidis & Naomi Nagy. 2019. Co-variation in Heritage Cantonese in Toronto. Buffalo-Toronto Variation Workshop. Mar 16.
  65. Baird, Anissa and Rachel Keir. 2019. Word-final vowel deletion: Italian’s influence on Faetar? Buffalo-Toronto Variation Workshop. Mar 16.
  66. font class="logo">Nagy, N. 2019. Promoting linguistic and cultural diversity through Heritage Language Sociolinguistics. Diversity and multilingualism in a megacity workshop in honor of International Mother Languages Day, NY, NY, 22 Feb. 2019. Also presented in the French Department, U of T, 7 Feb. 2019, and the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 7 Mar. 2019.
  67. Tse, H. 2019. Can Heritage Speakers Innovate Allophonic Splits Due to Contact? Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Annual Conference, New York City, NY, 5 Jan. 2019. [abstract & slides]
  68. Tse, H. 2018. A merger and a split, but no chain shifting in Toronto Heritage Cantonese vowels Department of Linguistics Colloquium, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Nov. 16. [abstract]
  69. Tse, H. 2018. The vowels in 'pig' vs. 'tofu': A contact-induced merger in Toronto Heritage Cantonese? NWAV 47, NY, NY, 21 Oct. 2018. [abstract & slides]
  70. Nagy, N., R. Nodari, C. Celata. 2018. A variationist analysis of Heritage Italian VOT: Phonetic but not phonological fidelity. NWAV 47, NY, NY, 21 Oct. 2018.
  71. Nagy, N. 2018. A variationist analysis of Heritage Italian VOT: Phonetic but not phonological fidelity. Department of Linguistics, University of Pittsburgh, 14 Sept. 2018.
  72. Nagy, N. 2018. Francoprovençal in Europe and North America: Vitality and Variability. 1st Conference on Frisian Humanities. Leeuwarden, 24 April 2018.
  73. Nagy, N. 2018. Socio-indexical phonetic features in Heritage Italian: VOT in Toronto. Center for the Study of Language in Society, Bern, 20 February 2018.
  74. Tse, H. 2018. Phonological conditioning in Toronto Heritage Cantonese. Variation and change in Chinese, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 9 February 2018.
  75. Nagy, N. 2018. What Heritage Cantonese speakers know about Homeland variation. Variation and change in Chinese, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 9 February 2018.
  76. Chan, Ariel Shuk Ling. 2017. 'He can make himself look more young’: the use of comparative constructions of Cantonese heritage speakers in the Greater Toronto Area. Third International Conference on Heritage/Community Languages. UCLA, February 16-17, 2018. [abstract]
  77. Nagy, N., M. Iannozzi & D. Heap. 2017. Les pronoms sujets en faetar : une étude variationniste d’une langue de patrimoine. Conférence annuelle sur l’activité scientifique du Centre d’Études Francoprovençales “René Willien,” Saint-Nicolas, Vallé d'Aoste, Nov. 11, 2017. [ video of talk!]
  78. Nagy, N. 2017. Phonetic vs. phonological variation in Heritage Italian VOT. Université Lyon2, Nov. 9, 2017.
  79. Nagy, N. 2017. Homeland and Heritage Faetar: Is variation transmitted? Labo Langue Parole, Aix-en-Provence, Nov. 7, 2017.
  80. Pabst, K., L. Konnelly, S Meslin, F. Wilson & N. Nagy. 2017. Transmission of variation between Homeland and Heritage Faetar”, U. Western Ontario Linguistics speaker series, September 26, 2017, U Buffalo, Oct. 20, 2017, and NWAV45 - Madison, WI, Nov. 4, 2017.
  81. Nodari, R., C. Celata, & N. Nagy. 2017. Interspeaker and cross-generation patterns of variation in phonetic and phonological attrition. 11th International Symposium on Bilingualism. Limerick, June 11-15, 2017.
  82. Tan, Ziwen Tracy & N. Nagy. 2017. VOT in heritage and Hong Kong Cantonese, Association canadienne de linguistique | Canadian Linguistic Association. Toronto, May 29, 2017.
  83. Rey, Lyndon. 2017. Modelling phonetic variation in heritage speakers: A neural network representation of vowel formant patterns. TULCON, University of Toronto, March 4.
  84. Tse, H. 2017. Heritage Language maintenance and phonological maintenance in Toronto Cantonese monophthongs – But they still have an accent! Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Annual Conference, Austin, TX, January 8. [slides] [Tweet!]
  85. Nagy, N. & Ziwen Tan. 2016. Exploring Heritage Languages: Cantonese consonants. Guest lecture, NEW102 "Travelling Words: Language and Diversity," University of Toronto, November 17.
  86. Lo, Samuel & N. Nagy. 2016. Variable use of Heritage Cantonese classifiers. NWAV 45, Vancouver, November 3–6.
  87. Lyskawa, Paulina. 2016. Converging vs. competing phonology: does code-switching play a predictable role?. NWAV 45, Vancouver, November 3–6.
  88. Nodari, Rosalba, Chiara Celata & N. Nagy. 2016. Immigrants’ speech: is phonetic attrition a necessary precondition for phonological attrition to occur? Third International Conference on Language Attrition, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, July 5-7.
  89. Lo, Samuel, Junrui Wu, Elaine Wang, Zahid Daudjee and Naomi Nagy. 2016. Use of Heritage Cantonese and Korean classifiers in Toronto. Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL), the Ohio State University, Mar 12-13. [see more about the conference on our News page]
  90. Peters, Andrew and Holman Tse. 2016. Evaluating the efficacy of Prosody-lab Aligner for a study of vowel variation in Cantonese. Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL), the Ohio State University, Mar 12-13. [slides]
  91. Tse, Holman. 2016. Contrast maintenance and innovation in Toronto Heritage Cantonese high vowels. Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL), the Ohio State University, Mar 12-13. [slides]
  92. Wu, Alfred, Deepam Patel, Elaine Wang, Naomi Nagy, Samuel Lo and Zahid Daujee. 2016. Heritage Language Variation and Change in Toronto Cantonese and Korean. Undergraduate Research Forum poster, University of Toronto, Feb. 3, 2016.
  93. Peters, Andrew. 2016. Sometimes Ngo Zau Start to Gong Chinese: The role of pragmatics and information structure in the syntax of codemixing. (Sometimes I just start to speak Chinese). Western Interdisciplinary Student Symposium on Language Research (WISSLR), March 5. [abstract] [handout]
  94. Rey, Lyndon. 2016. Identifying language computationally: Vowel-uable nuance in discrete features. Western Interdisciplinary Student Symposium on Language Research (WISSLR), March 5.
  95. Tse, H., 2016. Phonetic vs. phonological considerations in inter-generational vowel change in Toronto Heritage Cantonese". Poster for "Symposium on Language Contact in the Mind and in the Community: Insights from Bilingual Phonetics and Phonology," Linguistic Society of America, Annual Conference, Washington, DC, Jan 8.
  96. Nagy, N., A. Chan, S. Lo, A. Wu, E. Wang. 2015. Toronto Cantonese heritage speakers' use of classifiers. APLA 2015, St. John's, NF, Nov. 6-7.
  97. Tse, H. 2015. The Role of contact in expanding sound inventories: Evidence from Toronto Heritage Cantonese. APLA 2015, St. John's, NF, Nov. 6-7.
  98. Tse, H. 2015. Is Heritage Language Phonology Conservative?: Evidence from Variation and Change in Toronto Heritage Cantonese Vowels. NWAV 44, University of Toronto, Oct 22-25.
  99. Iannozzi, M. 2015. Heritage Faetar I/Ø want to know: why do you/Ø pro-drop?. NWAV 44, Toronto.
  100. Łyskawa, P, R. Maddeaux & E. Melara. 2015. Heritage speakers abide by all the rules: Evidence of language contact effects in Heritage Polish word final devoicing'. NWAV 44, Toronto.
  101. Nagy, N. 2015. Is Italian on the move in Toronto? Competence Centre for Language Studies, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, June 2015.
  102. Nagy, N. 2015. Cross-dialect vs. cross-linguistic contact in Southern Italy. ICLAVE 8, Leipzig, May 27-29, 2015.
  103. Shkvorets, Maksym. 2015. The Loss of reflexive possessive pronouns in Heritage Ukrainian. CLA
  104. Chan, Ariel Shuk Ling & N. Nagy. 2015. Toronto Cantonese heritage speakers’ use of sortal classifiers. The Fifteenth LSHK Workshop on Classifiers, University of Hong Kong.
  105. Iannozzi, Michael. 2015. Pro-drop in Faetar in contact with English and Italian: A study of potential contact-induced change. WISSLR, Western University, March 2015. [abstract]
  106. Shkvorets, Maksym. 2015. Losing one’s language, or creating one’s own dialect? The Loss of reflexive possessive pronouns in Heritage Ukrainian, TULCON, University of Toronto, March 2015, and the Canadian Linguistic Association, Ottawa, May 2015. [abstract]
  107. Iannozzi, Michael. 2015. Pro-drop in a Heritage language in Toronto: A study of Heritage Faetar. TULCON, University of Toronto, March 2015. [abstract]
  108. Amato, Emma & Jessica Ortins. 2015. We R who we are: A Study of phonetic variation of /r/ within Toronto’s Heritage Language speakers, TULCON, University of Toronto, March 2015. [abstract]
  109. Nagy, N. & Michael Iannozzi. 2014. Intro to the HLVC Project, invited lecture. NEW102Y1 Travelling Words: Language and Diversity, University of Toronto, October 2014.
  110. Nagy, N. & M. Iannozzi. 2014. Older speakers use more null subjects, but the variable is stable: Accounting for contrasting reports of contact effects in Italian and Faetar. NWAV 43, Chicago.
  111. Tse, Holman. 2014. Computational Tools for a Large-Scale Study of Vowel Variation in Toronto Heritage Cantonese. A Workshop on Computational Tools for Large-Scale Linguistic Data Analysis, Department of Linguistics Colloquium, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Oct. 3, 2014
  112. Nagy, N. 2014. Looking for contact-induced change in Heritage Cantonese: Vowels, pronouns, classifiers, VOT. Invited lecture, University of Amsterdam.
  113. Tse, Holman & N. Nagy. 2014. Exploring automated formant analysis for variationist study of Heritage Cantonese. CRC Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop, Toronto, June 19, 2014.
  114. Nagy, N. 2014. Heritage Language Variation and Change project: Italian varieties at home and in Toronto, Invited speaker, Contatto interlinguistico fra presente e passato, Pescara, Italy, May 29-31, 2014.
  115. Cui, Naomi, Minyi Zhu, Vina Law, Holman Tse & N. Nagy. 2014. Exploring automated formant analysis for comparative variationist study of Heritage Cantonese and English. Change and Variation in Canada 8, Kingston, ON.
  116. Nagy, N. 2014. Italian in Toronto (HLVC), invited lecture. ITA1031H: History of the Italian Language in North America, University of Toronto, March 19, 2014.
  117. Nagy, N. & D. Denis. 2013. An amplification role for lexical frequency in syntactic variation? Testing with Heritage Italian pro-drop. NWAV 42, Pittsburgh.
  118. Parascandolo, M. 2013. Heritage Italian in Toronto: verb system variation analysis on a narrative spoken corpus. International Conference on Language Variation and Change in Postcolonial Contexts, Università degli Studi di Salerno.
  119. Koumarianos, Y. 2013. Adjective suffixation across three generations of Italian-Canadians. Change and Variation in Canada 7.
  120. Walker, J., N. Nagy & M. Hoffman. 2013. Two Sides of the Chinese Diaspora: English and Cantonese in Toronto, Multilingualism in the Chinese Diasporas Colloquium, International Symposium on Bilingualism 9, Singapore.
  121. Lapinskaya, N. 2013. Effects of contextual variety of language use on vowel production among speakers of Heritage Russian. TULCON 6, Toronto.
  122. Nagy, N. 2013. Is Italian on the move in Toronto? Lingue Migranti: The Global Languages of Italy and the Diaspora. City University of New York.
  123. Nagy, N. 2013. Quelques études du pro-drop: Faetar et russe. l'Université de Nice, France. [download slides as 13 MB PDF]
  124. Nagy, N. 2013. À la recherche des changements dans le faetar de Toronto. Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence. [download slides as 13 MB PDF]
  125. Nagy, N. 2013. Is Italian on the move in Toronto?, Department of Modern Languages, Exeter University.
  126. Nagy, N. 2013. Language contact and lexical change in homeland and heritage Faetar. LingLunch, University of Kent. [download slides as 11 MB PDF]
  127. Molnár, T. 2012. Use of Pronouns in Hungarian as a Heritage Language. A Comparative Study. The road less travelled. An international conference on heritage languages and heritage language acquisition. Toronto.
  128. Nagy, N. 2012. Looking for contact-induced change in Heritage Cantonese: pronouns, classifiers and VOT. NWAV-Asia Pacific 2, Tokyo. [slides pdf]
  129. Nagy, N. & N. Lapinskaya. 2012. Cross-generational change in Heritage Russian Phonology. Change and Variation in Canada VI. Montreal.
  130. Kang, Y. & N. Nagy. 2012. VOT merger in Homeland Seoul Korean and Heritage Toronto Korean. Canadian Linguistics Association. Waterloo.
  131. Nagy, N., T. Chung & J. Tong. 2012. Classifier variation and change in Toronto Heritage Cantonese. Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics. The Ohio State University. 2012. [slides pdf, abstract]
  132. Nagy, N. 2012. Homeland and Heritage Faetar. Romance Linguistics Guest Speaker Series, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign.
  133. Chociej, Joanna. 2010. Polish pro-drop: English influence on heritage Polish in Toronto. 5th Annual Slavic Linguistic Society Conference. (abstract)
  134. Hollett, Meghan. 2010. Heritage Russian in Toronto: Generational change and subject omission. CVC IV, Memorial University of Newfoundland. (abstract)
  135. Nagy, N. 2010. Heritage Language Variation and Change: The Case of Faetar in Faeto and Toronto. ACLA/CAAL, Montreal. (abstract)
  136. Chung, S. 2010. Code-switching as a means of cultural identity among Koreans in Toronto. TULCON '10 conference, University of Toronto, and Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium 2010. (abstract)
  137. Manuscripts

    1. Zhuang, Irene Yanfei. 2024. The Production of Syllable-Initial ng (ŋ-/∅-) in Toronto Heritage Cantonese. University of Western Ontario (LING4247) ms.
    2. Peckham, Leo. 2024. Illustrations of the IPA: Faetar. UofT (LIN 1211) ms.
    3. Vallicelli, Costanza. 2023. Sociolinguistic factors in the transmission of multiple heritage languages, UIUC course paper.
    4. Umbal, Pocholo. 2023. A comparative variationist analysis of phonetic variation and change in Toronto Heritage Tagalog. U of T Dissertation.
    5. Zuberek, Simon. 2023. Automatically distinguishing between written output produced by Heritage and Non-hweritage learners of Polish as a foreign language. CUNY Graduate Center course paper.
    6. Cristiano, Angela. 2022. (r) in Heritage Calabrese Italian: Cross-generational nativeness. Tesi di laurea in Fonetica e Fonologia, Università di Bologna.
    7. Leung, Justin. 2021. Directional motion event expression in Toronto Heritage Cantonese: A variationist sociolinguistic investigation 從變異社會語言學角度探討 多倫多粵語繼承語嘅位移事件表達方式. UofT MA Forum Paper.
    8. Umbal, Pocholo. 2019. Contact-induced change in Heritage Tagalog: Evidence from adjective intensification. UofT Generals Paper II.
    9. Saguil, Katrina Chelsea. 2019. To Reduce or To Not Reduce: Variation in Reduplication in Tagalog Loanwords. LIN 495, Summer 2019.
    10. Nemesszeghy, Robin. 2018. Code-switching and borrowing across three generations of Heritage Hungarian speakers. LIN 495 Independent study paper, Winter 2018.
    11. Song, Aileen. 2018. Null subjects and word order in Korean. LIN 495, 2018.
    12. Lyskawa, Paulina. 2015. Variation in case marking in Heritage Polish. MA Forum Paper, Linguistics Department, University of Toronto.
    13. Shkvorets, Maksym. 2015. Losing one’s Language, or Creating one’s own Dialect? The Decline of Reflexive Possessive Pronouns in Heritage Ukrainian . MA Forum Paper, Linguistics Department, University of Toronto.
    14. Tse, Holman. 2015. Variation and change in four contrastive vowels in Toronto Heritage Cantonese. Comprehensive Paper, Linguistics Department, University of Pittsburgh.
    15. Ahmed, Amer and Iryna Lenchuk. 2013. Probing for aspectual change: An analysis of lexical and grammatical aspect across three generations of Russian speakers in the Greater Toronto Area. York University ms.
    16. Chociej, Joanna. 2011. Polish pro-drop: English influence on heritage Polish in Toronto. University of Toronto Generals Paper. [abstract]
    17. Hollett, Meghan. 2011. Null subject variation in Heritage Russian in Toronto. University of Toronto Master's thesis. [abstract]
    18. Molke, Veronika. 2011. Russisch als Migrationssprache – zum Russisch-Englischen Sprachkontakt in Kanada. Diplomarbeit, Justus Liebig University, Giessen. (Supervised by Prof. Dr. Monika Wingender).
    19. So, Hoi-Ching Julianna. 2010. Analysis of Vowel Contexts that Trigger Palatalization of Cantonese Sibilants. (University of Toronto ms.)
    20. Chung, Sheila. 2010. Code-switching as a means of cultural identity among Koreans in Toronto. UofT LIN 497 (independent study) Paper.
    21. This research is funded by:

      SSHRC Standard Research Grant 410-2009-2330
      (2009-12); Insight Grant 435-2016-1430 to Naomi Nagy(2016-20)
      Shevchenko Foundation Heritage Program grant
      Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto