ELAN (download) You'll see a demo and manual there, too.
Transcribing guidelines (updated 17 May 2021)
We can speed up the transcription of underdescribed language varieties by letting computational tools segment the speech stream into speaker turns. One tool for this is a Speaker Diarization tool created by Isaac Bleaman and Ronald Sprouse.
Faetar Transcribing guidelines (updated 17 May 2023, with more general tips and instructions, too)
Tagalog Transcribing guidelines
Coding with ELAN (preparing for multivariate analysis)
- Extending ELAN (description and tutorial, updated in July 2017 from Nagy & Meyerhoff 2015)
- NWAV 2014 Workshop "Extending ELAN...": Handouts and practice files [abstract]
- Video instructions on how to transcribe, code, analyze and interpret sociolinguistic data using Goldvarb and ELAN (~2-hour workshop)
- Step-by-step instructions for coding tokens with ELAN and analyzing them in Rbrul.
- versatility_of_ELAN.pptx
ELAN_annotation_tips.pdf (for more on segmenting and creating tiers)
Exporting_from_ELAN.pdf (creating files of transcripts and token codes)
Variationist Analysis and Endangered Language Documentation, Nagy & Meyerhoff, ICLDC 2013:
PPT slides (as PDF)
Handout 1: Recent Variationist Analysis of Endangered Languages
Handout 2: Useful references
For instructions on converting Word .doc transcriptions to ELAN .eaf transcription files, see Appendix D of Extending ELAN (Nagy & Meyerhoff 2015).
Will Barras's ELAN handout (Newcastle Workshop, 2013)
Installing_and_Using_Sendpraat.pdf (to use Praat from inside ELAN)
Checking Transcriptions guidelines (posted Jan. 29, 2010) -- especially for Russian and Ukrainian
Korean transcription practice ELAN file, WAV file
Audacity: .wav file-editing freeware you can download for Windows, Mac or Linux. Useful for cutting up and pasting together .wav files.
The "Amplify" function is also useful for making .wavs louder.
For additional tips and tricks, see the HLVC_Audio_Filtering_protocol.pdf.
Praat is freeware for conducting acoustic analysis, and doing many other interesting things with spoken language. You can download it and try it out on almost any platform. You'll find a tutorial at the download page as well.
Installing_and_Using_Sendpraat.pdf (to use Praat from inside ELAN)
FTP for networking to another computer, such as the lab computer.
Using ftp on a Mac is easy.
Windows and Mac users should use FileZilla for file transfer. Here are FileZilla instructions.
Here's a site where you can convert documents to PDF files (so you can send them without losing formats and special fonts).
Fonts: DoulosSIL (download) for IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)
Samson Zoom H4 digital recorder (instruction sheet) and Zoom H4n
Marantz PMD 660 (instruction sheet)
Fostex (manual)
All fieldworkers and research assistants need to fill out an HLVC Lab Agreement, if they work in the lab or borrow equipment. Please contact Naomi about equipment for this project.
Please use our Google calendar (HLVC Lab UofT) to indicate when you plan to work in the LVC lab, and when you have recording equipment checked out. Please be sure to keep this up to date. Reserve your spot by adding your name and the name of the computer you will use to the Google calendar. Be sure the calendar displays any equipment you have checked out.
To add events, log in at: https://calendar.google.com. This version that you see here is read-only. All RAs should have access to edit this calendar, in order to keep us all informed of when you will be there. (Ask Naomi or Hilary to be added to the calendar.)
Corpus Use Form Anyone wishing to use data from the HerLD corpus must fill in this form.
Overview of the the research process: HLVC_Project_Overview.pdf
Instructions for Anonymizing [short instructional video for anonymizing] (May 2020)
Corpora in the Classroom (Link to corpus for UofT class-based research)
Speaker distribution (filled in, partially. Updated September 2010)
Speaker Distribution table (blank, for keeping track of your sample) download PDF download Word .doc
Interview catalog (blank sheets for fieldworkers) Download MODEL Excel spreadsheet.
About conducting sociolinguistic interviews
The expert writes:Labov, W. 1984. Field Methods of the Project on Linguistic Change and Variation. In J. Baugh & J. Sherzer (eds.) Language in Use. Englewood Cliffs, NH: Prentice Hall. (Available from ERIC) [See especially pp. 5-17 and 40-42.]
I also recommend listening to Labov's interview with Henry, which you'll find on the lab computer iMac1. It's a great example of the relaxed style of speech we are looking for.
Guidelines for online interviews for HLVC
Map showing location of speakers and communities
0. Participant consent letter - in English Download Word .doc | download PDF
1. long questionnaire (IV) (English interview script, in English -- other languages available to team members on server)
2. short questionnaire (EOQ) (Ethnic orientation questionnaire script, in English -- other languages available to team members on server)
3. Picture description task, using selected pages of Amery & Cartwright's book, First Hundred Words.Adopted from: Keefe, Susan, and Amado Padilla. 1987. Chicano Ethnicity. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press.
Here is the spreadsheet to code each speaker's responses: EOQ_data_LANGUAGE.xls
Here is the instructions on how to code each question: EOQ_coding.doc (not quite finalized, but working)
Ethics guidelines (U of T)
The University will not pay you if you have not:
Be sure to plan time for book-keeping and signature BEFORE your payroll is due.
To be paid, your four forms listed at Personnel and Tax Forms must be properly on file in the Linguistics Department Business Office before the payroll date. All timesheets and work logs must be submitted via email to Hilary, the Lab Manager by the timesheet deadlines listed below:WINTER 2025 MONTHLY deadlines:
1: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 2: Monday, February 17, 2025 3: Monday, March 17, 2025 4: Monday, April, 14, 2025 5: Wednesday, May 15, 2025 WINTER 2025 BI-WEEKLY deadlines:
2: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 3: Wednesday, January 29, 2025 4: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 5: Wednesday, February 26, 2025 6: Wednesday, March 12, 2025 7: Wednesday, March 26, 2025 8: Wednesday, April 9, 2025 9: Wednesday, April 23, 2025 10: Wednesday, May 7, 2025 11: Wednesday, May 21, 2025
Payroll timesheets and other forms for RAs: Submit this form, signed, to the Lab Manager by the above deadlines, accompanied by an activity log/progress report.
For any reimbursement, you must fill out this form: Personal Expense Reimbursement Form. Naomi needs to approve it and sign it before it is submitted. You need to include the receipt or TTC pass.
Instructions for updating our website (PDF)