This is a list of work that I am aware of. Please contact me if you know of other work, published since 2000, that should be listed!
Agresti, Giovanni. 2010. Produzione culturale ed emancipazione delle minoranze linguistiche: l’esempio delle isole alloglotte francoprovenzali di Faeto e Celle di San Vito (FG). La Questione Meridionale (The Southern Question). 1.1:33-54. Edited by Gaetano Rando, Lidia Bilbatua, Henri Jeanjean, Tony Simoes da Silva, Cosenza: Pelligrini.
Bitonti, Alessandro. 2012. Luoghe, lingue, contatto: Italiano, dialetti, e francoprovenzale in Puglia. Tesi. Università di Lecce.
Carlone, Daniela. 2011. Les minorités linguistiques dans les Pouilles: une ressource à exploiter. Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro. Facoltà di lingue e letterature straniere. Corso di laurea in lingue e letterature straniere. Tesi di laurea in lingua e traduzione – lingua francese.
Cocco, Maria Antonietta. 2010. La Case, Lu Fuà, La Famìglje (“La Casa, Il Fuoco, La Famiglia”). Faeto, Foggia (Italy). Assessorato alla cultura e politiche scolastiche.
Colecchio, Linda & Michele Pavia. 2008. Les patrimoines linguistiques dans le cadre du développement local: enjeux seulement symboliques ou également économiques? la situation de Faeto. Abstract for a paper presented at Les droits linguistiques: droit à la reconnaissance, droit à la formation. Université de Teramo.
Cutter, Philip. 2011. Genetic geneology of Faetar. University of Toronto ms.
De Gioia, Michele. 2023. Sur quelques comparisons entre le français et le francoprovençal de Faeto. In C. Molinari & R. Paternostro, eds. Le français au prisme de sa diversité, pp. 61-72. Milano: LED.
Iannozzi, Michael. 2015. Heritage Faetar I/Ø want to know: why do you/Ø pro-drop?. NWAV 44, Toronto.
Kasstan, J. & N. Nagy, eds. 2018 [online in 2017]. Francoprovençal: documenting contact varieties in Europe and North America. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 249.
[see Table of Contents of the issue andvideo of presentations of most of the papers].
Martino, Arcangelo. 2011. Reliquie franco-provenzali nella parlata di Celle di San Vito (Foggia). Lincom Europa.
Nagy, Naomi. 2000. Faetar. Munich: Lincom Europa. (ordering information)
Nagy, Naomi. 2001.Stress and schwa in Faetar (.zip). In Italian Dialects and Phonological Theory. Lori Repetti (ed.). Current Issues in Linguistic Theory series. Philadelphia: Benjamins 239-254.
Nagy, Naomi. 2010. Lexical change and language contact: Francoprovençal in Italy and Canada. in M. Meyerhoff, C. Adachi, A. Daleszynska & A. Strycharz (eds.) The Proceedings of Summer School of Sociolinguistics 2010, Edinburgh.
Nagy, Naomi. 2011. Lexical Change and Language Contact: Faetar in Italy and Canada. Journal of Sociolinguistics 15:366-382. [abstract -- Hear it in Faetar!]
Nagy, Naomi. 2017. Documenting variation in (endangered) heritage languages: how and why?. Language Documentation and Conservation SP13.
Nagy, N. 2018. Linguistic attitudes and contact effects in Toronto’s heritage languages: A variationist sociolinguistic investigation. International Journal of Bilingualism 22.4:429-446. DOI: 10.1177/1367006918762160. [abstract].
Nagy, N. 2024. Heritage Languages: Extending variationist approaches. Cambridge University Press. [abstract & TOC for book].
Nagy, Naomi, Michael Iannozzi & David Heap. 2018. [online in 2017]. Faetar null subjects: A variationist study of a heritage language in contact. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 249:31-47.
Pabst, Katherine, Lex, Konnelly, Fiona Wilson, Savannah Meslin & Naomi Nagy. 2020. Variation in subject doubling in Homeland and Heritage Faetar. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 42.
Perta, Carmela. 2004. La legislazione nazionale sulle minoranze linguistiche." Itinerari 43.1: 133-144.
Perta, Carmela. 2008. The national legislation on language minorities. Some (socio)linguistic reflections. Abstract for a paper presented at Les droits linguistiques: droit à la reconnaissance, droit à la formation. Université de Teramo.
Perta, Carmela. 2008. Can language politics ensure languages survival? Evidence from Italy. Language and Linguistics Compass 2.6: 1216-1224.
Pignataro, Giovanna. 2001. Il francoprovenzale nell’Italia meridionale. Istituto Universitario Orientale Napoli. Facoltà di lingue e letterature straniere. Corso di laurea in lingue e letterature straniere. Tesi di laurea in linguistica francese.
Puolato, Daniela. 2016. Langues en contact, langues en danger : une étude de cas autour de la négation verbale et autres mots-N en francoprovençal des Pouilles.
Puolato, Daniela. 2016. L'(in)sécurité linguistique et les locuteurs francoprovençaux de l'Italie du Sud.
Puolato, Daniela. 2013. Les appellations de la langue minoritaire à Faeto et à Celle di San Vito (Pouilles).
Puolato, Daniela. 2011. Intrecci storici, linguistici ed identitari nella minoranza francoprovenzale di Celle di San Vito.
Puolato, Daniela. 2010. Lingua, dialetto e identità: percezioni e rappresentazioni della enclave francoprovenzale di Faeto.
Rey, L. & N. Nagy. 2019. Automatic documentation of Faetar’s [i]: a Methodology for discovering vowel space using artificial neural networks (Documentation automatique de l’[i] en faetar : Une méthodologie pour la découverte de l'espace vocalique à l'aide de réseaux neuronaux artificiels). Revue Géolinguistique 18.
Tredanari, Grazia. Unpublished (?) Master's thesis. ??
Baldi, B., Savoia, L.M. 2022 Interactions between Clitic Subjects and Objects in Piedmont and North Liguria Dialects. Languages, 7, 199.
Bert, Michel and James Costa. 2014. What counts as a linguistic border, for whom, and with what implications? Exploring Occitan and Francoprovençal in Rhône-Alpes, France. In: D. Watt and C. Llamas (eds.). Language, Borders and Identity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Bert, M., Costa, J., Martin, J-B. 2009. Étude FORA : Francoprovençal et occitan en Rhône-Alpes. Étude Pilotée par l'Institut Pierre Gardette. Université catholique de Lyon.
Bert, Michel and James Costa. 2011. De l'un et du divers. La région Rhône-Alpes et la mise en récit de ses langues. Mots. Les Langages du politique 97:45-57.
Como, P. E. Milano, D. Puolato. 2003. Periferie contigue e discontinuità linguistiche: dinamiche di percezione.
Costa J. 2011. Patois, gaga, Savoyard, francoprovencal, arpitan? Quel nom pour une langue? In: M. BERT, J. COSTA, and J. B. MARTIN, eds. Situation sociolinguistique du francoprovencal : l'étude FORA, Langues et cité 18: 6.
De Crousaz, I. & Shlonsky, U. 2003. The Distribution of a Subject Clitic Pronoun in a Franco-Provençal Dialect and the Licensing of Pro. Linguistic Inquiry, 34(3), 413–442.
Ermacora, Laure. In prep. Issues in Francoprovençal morphosyntax: A comparative approach. Thèse de doctorat: Univ. Genève
Gasquet-Cyrus, Médéric, and Bernard Bel. Responsables scientifiques du projet "Valjouffrey".
Kasstan, J. R. 2015. Lyonnais (Francoprovençal). Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 45(3), 349-355.
Kasstan, J. & N. Nagy, eds. 2018 [online in 2017]. Francoprovençal: documenting contact varieties in Europe and North America. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 249.
[see Table of Contents of the issue andvideo of presentations of most of the papers].
Kasstan, J. & N. Nagy. 2018 [online in 2017]. Introduction. (Francoprovençal: documenting contact varieties in Europe and North America). International Journal of the Sociology of Language 249:1-10.
Manzini, M. Rita, and Leonardo M. Savoia, 2012. 'On the Lexical/Functional Divide: The Case of Negation', in Laura Brugé, and others (eds), Functional Heads, Volume 7: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax.
Meune, M. 2009. Une langue sans nom et sans renom? Le défi de l'enseignement du francoprovençal. CREOLE 17: 2-4.
Meune, M. 2012a. Pratiques et représentations des langues chez les locuteurs du francoprovençal fribourgeois. Enquête sur la Société des patoisants de la Gruyère. Département de littérature et de langues modernes, Université de Montréal.
Meune, M. 2012b. Pratiques et représentations du francoprovençal chez les néo-locuteurs vaudois. Enquête sur l'Association vaudois des amis du patois. Département de littérature et de langues modernes, Université de Montréal.
Milano, E., P. Como, D. Puolato. 2003. Periferie contigue e discontinuità linguistiche: dinamiche di percezione.
Munaro, N. 1999b. Free relatives as defective wh-elements: evidence from the North-Western Italian dialects, unpublished article, Padova & Venice.
OLAC resources in and about the Arpitan language
Pautasso, Francesco. Il francoprovenzale di Mocchie e Laietto. Tricase, Italy: Youcanprint Self-Publishing.
Puolato, Daniela. 2006. Francese-italiano, italiano-patois: il bilinguismo in Valle d’Aosta fra realtà e ideologia.
Puolato, Daniela. 2003. Aosta spazio varietetico e sistema di valori sociolinguistici: configurazioni a confronto.
Puolato, Daniela. 2000. Francese e patois negli atteggiamenti di un gruppo di adolescenti aostani.
Roberts, I 1993. ‘The nature of Subject Clitics in Franco-Provençal Valdotain’, in A. Belletti (ed.) Syntactic Theory and the Dialects of Italy, 319-353. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.
Roberts, I. 1995b. Past Participle Agreement and Object Clitics in Franco- Provençal Valdôtain. In G. Cinque et al (eds) Paths Towards Universal Grammar: Essays in Honor of Richard Kayne., 377-395. Georgetown: Georgetown University Press.
Seguin, L. Submitted. Deletion of higher copies voids island effects: evidence from Valdôtain Patois. WCCFL Proceedings.
Seguin, L. in press. The (in)compatibility of wh and focus in root and embedded questions in Romance and beyond. In Wolfe, Sam (ed.), Mapping syntax, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Seguin, L. 2024. The syntax and pragmatics of clause internal wh-words in Valdôtain Patois. Linguistic Variation 24(2).
Tolentino, Priscilla. 2014?. PhD dissertation on Valjouffrey variety of francoprovençal LPL, Aix-en-Provence France.
Thomas, Audrey. 2011. Le « patois » de Valjouffrey : une langue orale sur la voie de l’écrit. MA thesis, Université de Provence, Departement des Sciences du Langage.
Tuaillon, G. 1992. Histoire des situations linguistiques le long de la frontière franco-italienne. Nouvelles du Centre d’Études Francoprovençales René Willien 25. 5–19
Zanuttini, R. 1997. Negation and clausal structure: A comparative study of romance languages (Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax). Oxford: Oxford University Press. https: //
Zulato, A., J. Kasstan & N. Nagy. 2018 [online in 2017]. An overview of Francoprovençal vitality in Europe and North America (introduction). International Journal of the Sociology of Language 249:11-30.
Anglade, Joseph. 1921. Grammaire de l’ancien provençale: phonétique et morphologie. Paris: Klincksieck.
Garcin, Étienne. 1841. Dictionnaire Provençal-Français. Draguignan: Chez Fabre.
Honnorat, S.-J. 1848. Vocabulaire français-provençal. Digne: Imprimerie de Repos.
Pautasso, Francesco. Il francoprovenzale di Mocchie e Laietto. Tricase, Italy: Youcanprint Self-Publishing.
Rubino, Vincenzo , Virginia Carosielli, Rossella D'Aulizio, Paola Marella, Giovanna Matrella, Nicola Pastore. 2006. Dizionario Francoprovenzale-Italiano Italiano-Francoprovenzale (F-I) di Faeto. Sportello Linguistico Francoprovenzale. Foggia, Italy.
Rubino, Vincenzo, Virginia Carosielli, Rossella D'Aulizio, Paola Marella, Giovanna Matrella, Nicola Pastore. 2006. Grammatica francoprovenzale di Faeto. Sportello Linguistico Francoprovenzale. Foggia, Italy.
Tisato, Graziano. 2009. NavigAIS: AIS Digital Atlas and Navigation Software. [AIS=Sprach- und Sachatlas Italiens und der Südschweiz; Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Italy and Southern Switzerland] Faeto=Locale #715.