Heritage Language Variation and Change in Toronto
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These are references that we have found useful for the HLVC project. Here is an additional list of work on Faetar in the 21st century.


Amery, H. & S. Cartwright. 1990. First 100 Words. London: Usborne.

Berkowitz, J. 2003. Quantum Writing. Science Communication 3.1 [cited Sept. 20, 2008]. http://www.quantumwriting.com/newsletter/2003_n3-1.html.

Beszedits, S. 2016. Toronto's early Hungarians. Vasváry Collection Newsletter 106/256. http://www.sk-szeged.hu/statikus_html/vasvary/newsletter/16dec/toronto_hungarians.html .

Blondeau, H. & N. Nagy. 2008. Subordinate clauses in Montreal French and English. In Social Lives in Language: Sociolinguistics and Multilingual Speech Communities, M. Meyerhoff & N. Nagy. (eds.), Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Blondeau, H., N. Nagy, G. Sankoff & P. Thibault. 2003. La couleur locale du français L2 des Anglo-Montréalais. In L'acquisition de la variation par les apprenants du français langue seconde. Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Etrangere, R. Mougeon. (ed.), 73-100. Paris: L'Association ENCRAGES.

Budzhak-Jones, S. 1994. Variable rule analysis of V/U alternation constraints in Canadian Ukrainian. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 1 (3):202-211.

Burton, M.W. & K.E. Roblee. 1997. A phonetic analysis of voicing assimilation in Russian. Journal of Phonetics 25:97-114.

Bybee, J. & P. Hopper. 2001. Frequency and the emergence of linguistic structure. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Choi, H.-W. 2003. Paradigm Leveling in American Korean. Language Research 39 (1):183-204.

Chumak-Horbatsch, R. 1987. Language Use in a Ukrainian home: a Toronto sample. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 63:99-118.

City of Toronto. 2007. Ward 23 Willowdale Profile. [cited Oct. 9, 2008] http://www.toronto.ca/wards2000/pdf/ward23_ethnocultural.pdf.

Crosswhite, K. 2004. Vowel reduction. In Phonetically-based phonology, B. Hayes, R. Kirchner & D. Steriade (eds.), 191-231. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Danesi, M. 1985. Ethnic Language and Acculturation: The Case of Italian Canadians. Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada 17 (1):48-103.

Di Giacomo, L. in prep. Phonetic and Phonological correlates of Canadian Raising. [tentative title]. MA thesis, Linguistics, University of Toronto, Toronto.

Fortier, A.-M. 1991. Langue et rapports sociaux: analyse des langues d'usage chez des Italiens de deuxième génération. Québec: Centre international de recherche en aménagement linguistique.

Fromont, R. & J. Hay. 2008. ONZE Miner 2008 [cited Sept. 25, 2008] www.ling.canterbury.ac.nz/jen/onzeminer/.

Guardado, M. 2002. Loss and maintenance of first language skills: Case studies of Hispanic families in Vancouver. Canadian Modern Language Review 58 (3): 341-363.

Guy, G. 1990. The sociolinguistic types of language change. Diachronica VII (1):47-67.

Guy, G. 2007. Variation and phonological theory. In Sociolinguistic Variation: Theories, Methods and Applications, R. Bayley & C. Lucas (eds.), NY: Cambridge. 5-23.

Guy, G. 1991. Explanation in variable phonology: An exponential model of morphological constraints. Language Variation and Change 3 (1):1-22.

Guy, G. & C. Boberg. 1996. Inherent variability and the OCP. Language Variation and Change 9 (2):149-164.

Heap, D. & N. Nagy. 1998. Francoprovençal null subject and constraint interaction. In CLS 34: The Panels, M. Gruber, D. Higgins, K. Olsen & T. Wysocki. (eds), 151-66. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.

Hume, B. & N. Nagy. 2008. Sociolinguistics and Linguistic Theories: Giving and Taking - Phonology. Paper read at Linguistic Society of America, Chicago.

Irwin, P. & N. Nagy. 2007. Bostonians /r/ speaking: A Quantitative look at (R) in Boston. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 13 (2):135-147.

Kang, Y. 2008a. Tensification of voiced stops in English loanwords in Korean. Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics 12:179–192.

Kang, Y. 2008b. The Adaptation of English /s/ in Korean. In Exploration of Korean Language and Linguistics 3:1-14.

Keefe, Susan, & Amado Padilla. 1987. Chicano Ethnicity. Albuquerque, NM: University of
New Mexico Press.

Kendall, T. 2007. Enhancing Sociolinguistic Data Collections: The North Carolina Sociolinguistic Archive and Analysis Project. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 13 (2):15-26.

Kochetov, A. 2006. The role of social factors in the dynamics of sound change: A case study of a Russian dialect. Language Variation and Change 18 (1):99-119. Labov, W. 1972. Sociolinguistic Patterns. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Labov, W. 1984. Field methods of the Project on Linguistic Change and Variation. In Language in Use, Baugh, J. & J. Sherzer (eds), Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.

Labov, W. 2007. Transmission and diffusion. Language 83: 344-387.

Labov, W., S. Ash, M. Ravindranath, T. Weldon, M. Baranowski & N. Nagy. 2006. Listeners' sensitivity to the frequency of sociolinguistic variables. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics: Selected papers from NWAV 34 12 (2):105-29.

Matras, Y. & J. Sakel. 2007. Grammatical borrowing in cross-linguistic perspective. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Myers-Scotton, C. 1993a. Duelling languages: grammatical structure in codeswitching. Clarendon.

Myers-Scotton, C. 1993b. Social Motivations for Codeswitching: Evidence from Africa. Oxford University Press.

Nagy, N. 1994. Lexical change and language contact. Penn Review of Linguistics 18: 117-132.

Nagy, N. 1995. Double or Nothing: Romance Alignment Strategies. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 2 (2):93-102.

Nagy, N. 1996. Language contact and language change in the Faetar speech community. PhD, Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Nagy, N. 1997. Modeling contact-induced language change. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: A Selection of Papers from NWAVE 25 4 (1):399-418.

Nagy, N. 2001. Stress and schwa in Faetar. In Italian Dialects and Phonological Theory, Repetti, L. (ed.), 239-254. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Nagy, N. 2008. Perception and production frequency in R speech. Lab Phon 11, Wellington, New Zealand.

Nagy, N. 2012. Sociolinguistics and Phonology. In R. Bayley, C. Lucas, & R. Cameron. Oxford Handbook of Sociolinguistics. Oxford University Press. 624-654.

Nagy, N., Y. Kang, A. Kochetov and J. Walker. 2009. Heritage Languages in Toronto: A New Project. Heritage Language Workshop, University of Toronto, May 7, 2009.

Nagy, N. & H. Blondeau. 1999. Double subject marking in L2 Montreal French. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics: Selected Papers from NWAV(E) 27 6 (2):177-188. (.ZIP)

Nagy, N., H. Blondeau & J. Auger. 2003. Second language acquisition and "real" French: An investigation of subject doubling in the French of Montreal Anglophones. Language Variation and Change 15 (1):73-103. (PDF)

Nagy, N. & M. Meyerhoff. 2008a. The social life of sociolinguistics. In Social Lives in Language: Sociolinguistics and Multilingual Speech Communities, M. Meyerhoff & N. Nagy (eds), Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Nagy, N. & M. Meyerhoff. 2008b. The love that dare not speak its name: The monolingual bias in sociolinguistics. NWAV 37, Houston, TX.

Nagy, N., C. Moisset & G. Sankoff. 1996. On the acquisition of variable phonology in L2. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: (N)WAVES and MEANS 3 (1):111-126.

Nagy, N. & B. Reynolds. 1997. Optimality theory and variable word-final deletion in Faetar. Language Variation and Change 9 (1):37-56.

Oh, J.S., S. Jun, L. Knightly & T. Au. 2003. Holding on to childhood language memory. Cognition 86: B53-B64.

Padgett, J. & M. Tabain. 2005. Adaptive dispersion theory and phonological vowel reduction in Russian. Phonetica 62 (1):14-54.

Polinsky, M. & O. Kagan. 2007. Heritage Languages: In the ‘Wild’ and in the Classroom. Language and Linguistics Compass 1 (5):368–395.

Poplack, S. Sometimes I'll start a sentence in Spanish y termino en español: toward a typology of code-switching. Linguistics 18:581-618.

Poplack, S. & S. Tagliamonte. 2001. African American English in the Diaspora. Oxford: Blackwell. Renaud, J., L. Gingras, S. Vachon, C. Blaser, J.-F. Godin & B. Gagné. 2001. Ils sont maintenant d'ici! Les dix premières années au Québec des immigrants admis en 1989, Collection Études, recherches et statistiques. Québec: les Publications du Québec.

Sanchez, T. 2008. Accountability in morphological borrowing: Analyzing a linguistic subsystem as a sociolinguistic variable. Language Variation and Change 20 (2):225-254.

Sankoff, D. & S. Poplack. 1981. A formal grammar for code-mixing. Papers in Linguistics 14 (1):3-46.

Sankoff, G., N. Nagy, P. Thibault, H. Blondeau, M. Fonollosa, & L. Gagnon. 1997. Variation and the use of discourse markers in a language contact situation. Language Variation and Change 9 (2):191-218.

Shokeir, V. 2007. Uptalk in Southern Ontario English. NWAV 36, Philadelphia.

Suh, E. 2008. The Usage and interpretation of Korean -tul 'Plural' by heritage language speakers. SLRF 2007 Proceedings.

Tagliamonte, S. 2003. Linguistic changes in Canada entering the 21st century. [cited Sept. 1, 2008] http://individual.utoronto.ca/tagliamonte.

Tagliamonte, S. 2006. Analysing Sociolinguistic Variation. Oxford: Blackwell. Tagliamonte, S. 2008. Directions of Change Project 2007.

Tagliamonte, S. 2005. So who? Like how? Just what? Discourse markers in the conversations of English speaking youth. Journal of Pragmatics 37 (11):1896-1915.

Thomason, S. & T. Kaufman. 1988. Language contact, creolization, and genetic linguistics. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Timberlake, A. 2004. A reference grammar of Russian. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Toronto Public Library. 2006. Languages Centre.

Trudgill, P. 1974. The social differentiation of English in Norwich. Cambridge: CUP.

Tucker, G.R. 1999. A Global Perspective on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics.

van Coetsem, F. 1988. Loan phonology and the two transfer types in language contact. Dordrecht: Foris.

Vietti, A. & L. Spreafico. 2008. Phonetic variation of /r/ in a language contact context: The case of South Tyrol Italian. LabPhon 11, Wellington, NZ.

Vizmuller-Zocco, J. 1993. Sociolinguistics of a Minority Language: Italians in Toronto and Vicinity. Romance Languages Annual: 324-8.

Walker, J. 2008. Form, Function, and Frequency in Phonology: (t/d)-Deletion in Toronto. NWAV 37, Houston.

Walker, J. & M. Hoffman. 2008. Language Contact, Linguistic Variation and Ethnic Identity in Toronto English [cited Sept. 1, 2008]

Zubritskaya, K. 1997. Mechanism of sound change in Optimality Theory. Language Variation and Change 9 (1):121-148.