Heritage Language Variation and Change in Toronto
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Principal Investigator: Naomi Nagy [email: naomi dot nagy at utoronto dot ca]


Understanding variation in bilingual communities has been the driving force throughout my career, beginning with a dissertation on contact-induced language change in Faeto, a small village in Italy where Faetar and Italian are spoken, and analysis of the repertoires of bilingual Montreal Anglophones. For both, I have produced quantitative and theoretically-informed descriptions of variation at several levels of language ( Blondeau et al. 2003; Blondeau & Nagy 2008; Heap & Nagy 1998; Kasstan & Nagy 2018; Nagy 1994, 1995, 2001, 2011; Nagy et al. 2003; Nagy et al. 1996; Nagy, N., M. Iannozzi & D. Heap 2018; Nagy & Reynolds 1997; Sankoff et al. 1997 ).

More recent work within the HLVC Project is listed here (and other work in my CV). Very soon, a book about the HLVC Project will appear.




Yoon-jung Kang, University of Toronto [email: yoonjung dot kang at utoronto dot ca]

Alexei Kochetov, University of Toronto [email: al dot kochetov at utoronto dot ca]

James Walker, La Trobe University [email: J.Walker2 at latrobe dot edu dot au]