Heritage Language: Korean


There are 14 elementary schools in the TDSB that offer Korean as an International Language Course, and York University and University of Toronto offer courses on Korean culture, history and language. There are other institutions that offer Korean language classes such as Hansa Language Centre, as well as the Korean Education Centre in Canada. The Centre for the Study of Korea at the University of Toronto also provides scholarships, job postings, exchanges, and interesting readings for people in Korean Studies. The Toronto Public Libraries also have 6,411 items in the Korean language currently available.

Cheng Yu Tung Library

Cheng Yu Tung Library

The Cheng Yu Tung library, located on the 8th floor at Robarts Library, contains many materials for Korean speakers and for those who wish to learn the Korean language. There are over 40,000 publications and documents about the Korean language and materials in the Korean language. These resources are available for anyone who is interested in obtaining newspapers, magazines, books, articles, audio and video files in Korean for reading, studying, or learning purposes.

Some interesting finds in Robarts Library:

Authors: Han Sang-Ah, Ronnie Bhaskar, and Priscilla Burley.